Using quality materials, our own unique restoration process and passion for cars, our team is on hand to care to your own individual requirements.
Currans Accident Repair Centre is centrally located in Auburn and is easily accessible from most Sydney Metropolitan suburbs. For your convenience, we also offer a valet pick-up and delivery service and replacement vehicles. Our goal is to give back your vehicle looking even better than new.
Currans Accident Repair Centre strives to be at the forefront of the industry. The challenge for factory specification or better drives us to employ the techniques and processes such as SMART (Small-Medium Area Repair Techniques) Repair.
SMART is a concept involving non-invasive repairs to minor vehicle damages that is now widely used across the UK and Europe. Here at Currans, we regularly travel overseas to America and Europe to identify emerging trends in the industry and better ways to repair vehicles. This has brought to our attention the huge success that SMART technology has had in both the motor repair and the new car service industry.
This technique offers a low cost means of rectifying minor damage accumulated on a car including alloy wheel repair, small scuffs, scratches on paint and paint-less dent removal.
Want something custom for you luxury supercar? Speak to our team and we’ll make it happen.
Want an immaculate look for your luxury supercar when it leaves the workshop? Look no further than Currans Accident Repair Centre. Your car will leave our auto workshop looking pristine and it’ll be done in record time. It’s what we do best.
Restoring cars requires expert knowledge. With Currans, your partial or full restoration is always a possibility.
Life doesn’t stop when your luxury supercar has been in an accident. We know you need to get back on the road. Get a replacement vehicle. Get back to work. Simple. Living in Sydney? Give us a call. Auburn is where you’ll find Currans, your luxury and supercar experts.
With Currans Accident Repair Centre, you and your luxury supercar are in great hands. We have a pick-up and delivery service that takes all the accident stress away. Give us a call, Sydney. Located in Auburn we’re your luxury and supercar experts.